Main Recording Station Finished
Getting the Synclavier sorted out has been like a champaign cork being popped. Finally, I had some incentive to get the main workstation repurposed. Previously, it had a guitar synth system with an Axon and an FS1R. Now, there is no guitar, but two FS1R's and a MOTU MIDI Express 128 interface. I can finally make recordings of the Fuga Electronica pieces with the FS1R's instead of those horrible soundfonts (And I had a great collection of sondfonts). I actually have all nine pieces realized with just the first bank of FS1R presets, and I'll start posting those next month.
Here's the upgraded workstation: It's a 2011 Mac Pro running two 27" Apple LED Cinema Displays (2560p), plus a Panasonic 42" 1080p Plasma TV up top. So, I can have the Lexicon FW810s mixer on the top, Encore on the right, and Logic Pro X on the left. It's by far the best configuration I've ever come up with, and I already can't stop playing with it.